Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Kali Ellatha

Greece is blue which happens to be one of my favorite colors. The sky is blue, the sea is blue, and they decorated the whole country with blue here and there which matches nicely the white, green and pink. I'm still dreaming of the tomatoes which were of course not blue, but nicely red and so incredibly good

This year I have been lucky with business trips, and the one last week to Greece was no exception from that perspective

Ok, the cats are not blue either, atleast not all of them (copy right A.)

Greek stereotypes

In addition to work, this turned out to be a trip of exploring Greece and Greek stereotypes. Before going, I heard many things about Greece and Athens, but as it was a business trip I couldn't explore it all of course,. However, based on the little introduction I got to Greece and all kind of Greek stuff, I made some conclusions. The negative comments seem to be exaggerations and all the good ideas about Greece turned out to be very correct and I even discovered many more very nice things :)

And even if there apparently were some strikes during my stay, it was very difficult to imagine the recent violence to take place here.

My hotel was just next to the Akropolis, and I spent many good moments in the surroundings including dinners and bars, some inspiring working time, and even a visit to the new museum. The unofficial guided walk the first evening can be summarized to “on your right, you can see Akropolis…” :), while from outside the museum, the comment would be "in your front and back you can see Akropolis"

I'm now a hat addict...:)

I really liked Greek fashion, and nobody believed me when I repeated that I'm not a girl who is into shopping. In addition to several other nice things, I also found some hats, and I wanted to buy them all, but finally with a reasonable logic, I decided on two – one pink and one white.

A friendly lady in a shop even made a photo to show me how nice the blue one was also from behind. She almost convinced me, but unfortunately shopping limits in terms of items and budget were already passed since long..

Short island visit

The main problem with Greek islands is that there are too many of them and they all seem to wait to be discovered. This time, there were several constraints to consider but finally we went to the little island Hydra which was not far, and with convenient timetable for departure.We did not regret.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

how many shoes of fun?

- How was yesterday??

- Oh, it was exactly as I thought it would be; 3 shoes.

- Really???

We often express ourselves as if it is obvious that other people would know what we are talking about. We tend to take things for given, while it’s not sure at all that it’s clear to others.. And even if it’s seems like people do understand what you are talking about, it may turn out later that it was not the case... Interesting.

I was thinking of this yesterday while hiking in the Matra mountains. In the beginning, we could read that the track would be 14 km, take 4 hours and 10 min and be 3 shoes difficult. The first two indicators were more or less clear to me, but 3 shoes? 3 shoes out of what? 5 or 50? And is the aim to have as many shoes as possible or is it like in a competition where 1 is better than 43? And did they mean baby shoes or for an adult?

It was funny, we met another group in the middle of the track who advised us where to go referring to the different paths as 3 or 4 shoes. We were nodding, thanking them and seriously considering following their advice. Then I asked about the logic and the maximum but they didn’t know either…

The table at the end of the track showed the same distance and time, but starting from there, our track was only 2 shoes... What ever that means…? :)

3 shoes of fun or..?

And can you measure other things in shoes? What about 3 shoes of fun for example? We spent some time defining the measurement of fun in terms of footwear and came to the conclusion that 3 shoes of fun sounds quite average but still good. We agreed that for our little group, the best would be 3 boots of fun and the worst 3 pair of those wooden Dutch sandals. We are of course speaking about an average size 39 to not get confused . How does it sound to you?

Could the shoes also measure the beauty or the fresh air? How beautiful shall it be to deserve 3 shoes? Maybe 3 shoes means that it is quite nice everywhere with a few hightligths? Well, based on yesterday’s hiking, 3 shoes must be a top grade if it describes the calmness or the number of different nuances of green. And if the day is a 3 shoes day, not even a pair of wet shoes can take away the good mood, I know, mine tried to jump into the river…:)

I guess you can measure everything in shoes as long as at least some people knows what you mean.. Isn’t it interesting how we all perceive things and associate them differently depending on who we are, our expectations and experiences.. and how the obvious means something completely different to others.

And this would be what 3 shoes mean to me..

maybe an extra half shoe for the light between the trees

it takes almost 3 shoes of concentration for the trees to balance like this

the little river sang quietly the well known song "three shoes" over and over again

my favourite three shoes are blue, green and white

lunch next to a river must be at least 15 shoes

To say what you really mean or to mean what you really say...?

I also find it very fascinating how friends or colleagues develop some kind of unique language, where words and symbols have a much deeper and precise meaning than what would be found in any dictionary. This happens in all groups I believe, with time, a mutual understanding of different expressions is developed. Maybe this is even more visible in a group of friends from all over without an official common native language. Even if a common cultural background may help in some aspects of communication, it’s not a guarantee for understanding... Maybe the lack of an exact official word to describe a situation or a feeling even helps to develop an even more precise language and a stronger feeling of closeness?? Maybe.

Maybe what I just wrote is totally clear to me, while you understand something completely different… Who knows..:)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

back to nature

Lately I have such a strong need to be closer to nature, and to enjoy the simple things in life. What a great timing with the Volcano and the ash cloud - I was not planning to go anywhere far away. With my good dose of exciting traveling recently, I want to be here for a little while and maybe even better appreciate the nearby beauty now.

Writing this, my cheeks are still warm from today’s sun and my hands are friendly smelling of soil,. My feet look still a bit dirty even after shower but they appreciated so much today to be in sandals at the country side so they are excused for being little black..:)

After a very rainy and cold week, Ms. Spring came to Hungary just in time for the weekend, so we and some other good friends went to Csákvár for the day. I have many sunny memories from there, and a Sunday like this it was where I needed to go; sunny spring weather, friends, planting, bird watching, fresh air, noisy frogs, and a good pick-nick. Some outdoor work, a walk, some talking, small jokes and some silence in peaceful environment. May I share my day with you?

the neighbours are of course there. this year I better understand Hungarian so I realise how many bad words they are using speaking to each other. Anyhow, in a strange way they seem to like each other.

I guess I don't have to add that I like to spend my Sunday like this..

Thursday, April 8, 2010

from Greenland to India...

In March my work took me to Greenland and India, and I also went for a family weekend in Stockholm and even managed to see a friend in Malmö. It was all in the same trip, and I'm still trying to understand where I have been and what I have seen... such a crazy trip :)

"So how was your trip?"

This would be the most common question when coming back home after a long trip. My quick answer this time was "oh absolutely wonderful". With a little bit more of time, there is of course much more to be said.... for a trip so full of contrasts and so rich and intense in all kind of ways. How to tell about India and Greenland at the same time?? One by one, or comparing, focusing on the differences or maybe even finding the similarities? the weather, the food, the culture, the religion, the silence and the noise, the space and the crowd of people and the smells and the tastes, the sun and the stars, the people and the animals, the colors and all the feelings and thoughts that all this trigger – where to start describing all this?

In words...

One day I was the little sister/youngest daughter/cousin being home for my birthday party, the next day I was an expert giving lectures and advices. Half the trip I spent in minus 20 degrees and the other half in plus 30 – imaging how my luggage looked like...:) I saw icebergs and northern light, temples, beautiful coffee places and small fishing boats. I travelled by helicopter and went dog sledging in Greenland and by train and auto richa in India. I laid down on an iceberg and I swam in the Arabic sea. I ate French fries for 10 days and then curry for the following 10 days. I met all kind of people, and so many were so nice and interesting, maybe that can also be another blog post.... My body and mind lost completely track of space and time but I think I suffered mostly from jetlag and cultural shock once I came back to Budapest – but then I did it for quite some time and maybe I still do... :)

and in pictures...

So, even if I don't know how to tell about it all, I have such a big need of sharing so let’s start slooowly with some pictures..:)

Boat trip among icebergs - Ilulissat

Boat trip in the backwater - Trivandrum

Fishing boat in Greenland

Fishing boat - South India

Church -Nuuk

Church on the beach - Trivandrum

Cottage Ilulissat

Park in Chandigarh

Monday, February 15, 2010

about pumpkin oil and other important things

Just a little bit spoiled
I have to admit that I got a little bit spoiled the last two weeks; the food in India is just so great, and even if my colleagues got slightly tired of it, I was eating it happily until the end. Only when I came back to Europe, I realised how much I wanted something lighter and with less curry. And the tradition of good food continued also in the last part of the trip where I tried Ethiopian food for the first time (oh how good it was) and also some really delicious fish dishes. So one reason not to write anything for the blog is that I have been on a little culinary discovery trip...

Indian lunch - this time with pancakes

So after some time at hotels and restaurants, there are both good and bad things with being back home... The good things would include the possibility to cook, while the bad things could for example be that I have to clean my room and also serve my self the juice...And most of the time, there is only one type of juice in my fridge and not even freshly pressed...hehe

Anyway, after eating more or less the same every day for 10 days with lots of spices, I’m quite happy to enjoy some simple and light food. Since, I’m back I’m having salad and beans every day.

Steamed vegetables with pumpkin oil

Tonight, I made something really simple, but oh so good; steamed broccoli and corny flower with pumpkin oil. I learnt it at the first cooking course where we had it with the fish. Today I ate it with couscous, red onion tomato salad, some black beans and pumpkin seeds. Very nice!

As probably obvious from the name, this is something very simple to prepare. Just steam the vegetables until they are crispy, and serve them with pumpkin oil mixed with balsam vinegar (2 spoons of pumpkin oil for 1 spoon of balsam vinegar) and some salt and pepper.

Same same but different…

Of course it is impossible to fail something this simple, but I did notice some important improvement between this time and last. Tonight, I used very good quality pumpkin oil and what a difference it made! Last time, I didn’t like it so much, and after today I understand that it was the pumpkin oil that was not that good. The conclusion would therefor be that the secret is to use good oil.

The good pumpkin oil with it's friend balsam vinegar

In India I bought some really nice long black pepper at a local market. It had a really interesting flavor, somewhat a round taste - not so strong. I also like their shape and I remember the friendly man at the market selling it

Mysore Devaraja market.Unfortunately I didn't make a photo with the kind man selling the pepper, but this is how nice the market was.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Jag trivs bäst i öppna landskap...

Since I was little, I always loved to be out, to get a bit dirty and to enjoy the opportunities and adventures that nature offers. Today, it's a pleasure for weekends and holidays, which makes the time in nature and freedom even more precious with space, calmness and the simple but obvious beauty.

Christmas break was such a great time from that perspective, and I got a good and needed dose of Swedish nature in company of good friends. Now, being back to everyday life and spending most of my day at the office, I daydream for clean air and open landscapes, like in the song by Ulf Lundell....

Peaceful day at Ale Stenar, South of Sweden

Öppna landskap

Jag trivs bäst i öppna landskap
nära havet vill jag bo
några månader om året
så att själen kan få ro

Jag trivs bäst i öppna landskap
där vindarna får fart
Där lärkorna står högt i skyn
och sjunger underbart
Där bränner jag mitt brännvin själv
och kryddar med Johannesört
och dricker det med välbehag
till sill och hembakt vört

Jag trivs bäst i öppna landskap
nära havet vill jag bo

Jag trivs bäst i fred och frihet
för både kropp och själ
Ingen kommer i min närhet
som stänger in och stjäl

Jag trivs bäst när dagen bräcker
när fälten fylls av ljus
När tuppar gal på avstånd
när det är långt till närmsta hus
Men ändå så pass nära
att en tyst och stilla natt
när man sitter under stjärnorna
kan höra festens skratt

Jag trivs bäst i fred och frihet
för både kropp och själ

Jag trivs bäst när havet svallar
och måsarna ger skri
När stranden fylls av snäckskal
med havsmusik uti
När det klara och det enkla
får råda som det vill
När ja är ja och nej är nej
och tvivlet tiger still
Då binder jag en krans av löv
och lägger den vid närmsta sten
där runor ristats för vår skull
en gång för länge sen

Jag trivs bäst när havet svallar
och måsarna ger skri

Jag trivs bäst i öppna landskap
nära havet vill jag bo

English version

I feel best in open landscapes
By the sea I want to live
For a few months every year
So that my soul can get some rest

I feel best in open landscapes
Where winds are gaining speed
Where larks stand still high in the sky
And warble marvelously
There I distill snaps on my own
And spice it with St. John’s wort bloom
And drink it with utmost delight
To herring and home-baked bread

I feel best in open landscapes
By the sea I want to live

I feel best when peace and freedom
Reign both in body and soul
There is no one living close to me
Who fences in and steals

I feel best when dawn’s approaching
When fields are filled with light
When cocks are crowing somewhere
When it’s far to the nearest house
But still no farther than you can
Hear laughter from some party
As you’re sitting there under the stars
On a still and quiet night

I feel best when peace and freedom
Reign both in body and soul

I feel best when seas are surging
And the gulls are crying out
When the shore is filled by shells
That sound the music of the sea
When clear and simple things are let
Alone to do their job
When yes is yes and no is no
And doubt stays out of sight
Then I go make a wreath of leaves
And lay it down by the next stone
Where runes were cut for our sake
Once back in history

I feel best when seas are surging
And gulls are crying out

I feel best in open landscapes
By the sea I want to live

(Ulf Lindberg's translation)

Friday, January 15, 2010

baked fennel with Parmesan

I keep promising to post the receipts that I like from my cooking course.. so tonight it's about fennel. If you would have asked me if I liked fennel just a couple of month ago, I would quite surely had answered that I don't know.

I guess fennel belongs to a forgotten group of vegetables. When I bought it in Sweden, the guy in the supermarket couldn't find the price-code for it, and he even told me: it such a rare case that somebody buys this...:)

Anyway, there is a very simple way of preparing fennel, and it's really delicious. So far I served it together with the salmon that I wrote about in another blog post. Maybe someone has some other ideas on what else it could fit with?

Baked fennel with Parmesan

What you need

2 fennel heads, salt and pepper, Parmesan and some olive oil.

How to make it
Wash the fennel, cut the heads in half and remove the middle part. Slice them thickly and sprinkle with some olive oil. Cover with aluminum folio, and bake it until soft in medium hot oven. Add the Parmesan and bake for another 5 minutes.

Serve immediately and enjoy!!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

aubergine avec amour

The last evening at my parents place for this time was a very nice one. We were cooking together at home and I really enjoyed the company of my mother, father and Edith Piaf very much.

We prepared stuffed aubergine, it was again something I had learnt at my cooking course. I guess most people already know how to prepare stuffed aubergine but there is one secret ingredient to add which makes the whole difference; grinded almonds. It absorbs the liquid from the vegetables and gives a round complete taste. Delicious!

The recipe below is good for approximately 3 people. The filling can of course be what you have at home, but the little trick is to not forget the almond, the love and attention..

2 aubergines, Olive oil, onion, little garlic, 2 tomatoes, 1 paprika or red pepper, 10 mushrooms, 5 grinded almonds and 100 gr fresh (green cheese) / seasoned (mature) ovine cheese or goat cheese, fresh parsley, salt and pepper.

How to make it
It's actually very easy to prepare, and I guess impossible or at least hard to fail. Cut the ends of the aubergines, and divide them into two. Scrap out the pulp with a spoon and cut it into small pieces. Cut also all the other ingredients into small cubes and fry it together a little bit. Start with the onion and add the other ingredients little by little. Paprika takes a while to make soft so it should go second when the onion are golden soft. Add the grinded almond, and the salt and pepper according to your taste and as much love and attention as possible. Put the mixture in the scraped aubergines. Bake it in the owen for approximately 25 minutes in 200 degrees. Ready!


Again the importance of love and attention
I think I said it in another blog post, but it cannot hurt to repeat that love, attention and good ingredients would be the basic for cooking, and the rest comes with practice. Cooking at home, I imitated a bit a TV-cook; I made sure to have enough time to prepared everything in advance - washing, cutting and measuring. Great fun! The difference is in the details. And eating it with love and attention will help to make even the simplest dish delicious; to enjoy the taste and the structure of the food consciously and to fully appreciate the company around the table. Again the difference is surely in the details.

And Edith contributed for sure to the harmonic atmosphere by filling the kitchen with her beautiful voice. And a little bit of dancing in the kitchen added to the happiness and love even if it likely did decreased a little bit of attention to the cooking...:)

La Vie En Rose..