Thursday, September 24, 2009

the details and their role...

Tuesday I went back to Dorottya gallery and while the theme was the same, the exhibition was new. This time it showed "when I was adult.." instead of when "I was young.." and the link between them strengthen the message that we all have the same basic needs. The first exhibition (that I didn't visit) told - "when I was a kid I also had to live of something" It is not hard to guess what it will be for the last one..

when I was adult I also had to live of something

There were some differences between last time and this time.

last time I went for the finissage and this time it was the vernissage
last time it was easy to find by accident and this time I got a bit lost in searching it
last time there was one exhibition and this time another
last time I went alone and this time with several friends
last time the place was empty and this time it was full
last time it was all new to me and this time the artist recognised me
last time I didn't expect anything and this time I did
last time I came from a weekend of yoga and this time from work and critical mass

Both times were good, so similar but still so very different. It is fascinating how different the same situation can appear when only small variables/factors change.

Maybe I'll go there a third time. I wonder how I will experience it then and how the variables will change..?


  1. What a nice exhibition! And I was actually waiting for this blog, not that it is written by my lovely daughter but because I was curios to know more about your experiences of the exhibition! Nice! Now you have to go there and then give us the third blog about what diffrences you recognise. love from me to you!

  2. I wish I could have told you but finally I didn't go again..

    but let's this mental exercise continue :)

  3. hej bobo! Cissi ska åka till Budapest med sin man och vänner om två veckor. kan du inte skriva en liten lista på vad du tycker eller förslag på vad man ska se och besöka i B.? Det passar ju din blog oxå! lite måsten och några alternativ? Mitt måste är ett kvällsbesök på det gula badet. Om du har några favorit restauranger och några museum och annat som du gillar! Cissi gillar lite annorlunda grejor. Kram och tack för en jättefin blogg!!! JP

  4. ja det gor jag garna! kanske kan det bli ett inlagg till bloggen ocksa, men i vilket fall sa skickar jag via email..

    och jag haller med, kvallsbesok pa Széchenyi badet (alias det gula badet) tillhor en av sakerna som ska vara med pa listan
