Tuesday, October 13, 2009

the dancing tree

In a few days the temperature decreased with some 15 degrees and it is now autumn here; windy, a bit rainy and quite cold. Somehow it makes me feel like at home.

The big tree outside my balcony is dancing in the strong wind. It is shaking its branches, like telling to the leaves; thanks a lot for decorating me so nicely during the spring and summer, let’s have a goodbye party with lots of fun as it’s time for you to leave soon"

a dancing tree

Leaving party

Still the leaves are green and strong, enjoying the party and managing to stay dancing to the rhythms of the wind and rain. People in the neighborhood fall asleep and also wake up to the sound of their party, Nobody tell it to calm down, as we all know that a few nights of noise is the price to pay for having a nice green tree around for several months. And the music they play is loud and wild but not aggressive. Soon the leaves will get beautiful yellow and weaker and weaker before they one day will give up one by one and fly down to the ground. The leaves at my tree are a bit unlucky because they will fall on asphalt and not softly on a field, that's the price they pay to live in the city center. Hopefully somebody will collect them and bring them to the leaf - cemetery, more known under the name compost.

The wind is not only fun for the tree and the leaves, it is also good for people. My mind and body are completely windy, light and free after some biking in the morning in the wind. I imagine that the leaves feel the same after dancing in the wind the whole night... little tired but happy!

How trees and people are different but still alike

Trees unlike people prefer fewer clothes during wintertime and gets nicely dressed only for spring and summer time. Trees unlike people follow the same fashion every year, so I already know which green color my tree will choose for next year. Trees unlike people stay where they are.

But trees like people need fresh air, light, water and proper nutrition to feel good.


  1. That was a lovely reflection on trees! Here up in the north it is so beautiful now, all gold yellow and red for a few weeks before the grey and sometimes white winter arrive. I think we are lucky here in the south region of Sweden to have so many trees with leaves. The pine wood is green and dark all year around, but lovely in its own way. People often say you like the nature were you were born, is that true? What do you think? I was born by the see (Baltic) but like the fields and the forrest as well. love Kersti

  2. Oh I think that's right, at least for me. Maybe the type of nature where you grow up is the one you feel with, then you can still like and find beautiful other types, but that is different.

    And I agree about the luck to be from Southern Sweden with its beautiful forests.. even if a bit more snow in the winter would make it even better..:)

    Swedish autumn can be very nice, I love the days when the air is clear and fresh. The sky is blue and the leaves are golden - perfect for a walk in the forest.

    Also here at the Margit island the leaves are already golden yellow. My tree is always getting its leaves late and loose them late.

    ps. this is also written to the wild noise of dancing branches and leaves outside...

  3. The sky is blue and the leaves are golden - perfect for a walk in the forest a nice fire and children playing along the paths! that was our last saturday, me jimmy, victor, isa elliott, jon mamma o pappa, yes autum is a nice season, also the perfect time to start new projects!
    love K

  4. sounds like a wonderful walk! especially with the kids running around and playing, can't wait to see you all soon!!!

  5. One interesting question would be: Are they playing different music each time the wind blows or they keep whistling the same melody?

    Your post reminds me of a very good story by O'Henry the Last Leaf http://www.literaturecollection.com/a/o_henry/226/

  6. Oh, they are playing different music. It's true that for a few days and nights they kept to more or less the same rhythm and that was when I wrote the blog post. Now the party is over and they keep silent and seem to be happy just to be there again..:)

    I think we all need to shake a bit like that sometimes. If we just continue in everyday life rhythm without moving our bodies more than from bed to the car to the office and back again, we will loose our spontaneity and creativity.. At the yoga workshop we made an exercise to shake all body wildly like crazy for quite a little time, it felt so good!! Try it!

    thanks for sharing a nice link!
