- How was yesterday??
- Oh, it was exactly as I thought it would be; 3 shoes.
- Really???
We often express ourselves as if it is obvious that other people would know what we are talking about. We tend to take things for given, while it’s not sure at all that it’s clear to others.. And even if it’s seems like people do understand what you are talking about, it may turn out later that it was not the case... Interesting.
I was thinking of this yesterday while hiking in the Matra mountains. In the beginning, we could read that the track would be 14 km, take 4 hours and 10 min and be 3 shoes difficult. The first two indicators were more or less clear to me, but 3 shoes? 3 shoes out of what? 5 or 50? And is the aim to have as many shoes as possible or is it like in a competition where 1 is better than 43? And did they mean baby shoes or for an adult?
It was funny, we met another group in the middle of the track who advised us where to go referring to the different paths as 3 or 4 shoes. We were nodding, thanking them and seriously considering following their advice. Then I asked about the logic and the maximum but they didn’t know either…
The table at the end of the track showed the same distance and time, but starting from there, our track was only 2 shoes... What ever that means…? :)
3 shoes of fun or..?
And can you measure other things in shoes? What about 3 shoes of fun for example? We spent some time defining the measurement of fun in terms of footwear and came to the conclusion that 3 shoes of fun sounds quite average but still good. We agreed that for our little group, the best would be 3 boots of fun and the worst 3 pair of those wooden Dutch sandals. We are of course speaking about an average size 39 to not get confused . How does it sound to you?
Could the shoes also measure the beauty or the fresh air? How beautiful shall it be to deserve 3 shoes? Maybe 3 shoes means that it is quite nice everywhere with a few hightligths? Well, based on yesterday’s hiking, 3 shoes must be a top grade if it describes the calmness or the number of different nuances of green. And if the day is a 3 shoes day, not even a pair of wet shoes can take away the good mood, I know, mine tried to jump into the river…:)
I guess you can measure everything in shoes as long as at least some people knows what you mean.. Isn’t it interesting how we all perceive things and associate them differently depending on who we are, our expectations and experiences.. and how the obvious means something completely different to others.

To say what you really mean or to mean what you really say...?
Maybe what I just wrote is totally clear to me, while you understand something completely different… Who knows..:)