Monday, August 31, 2009

good things with coming back from holidays..

One nice thing with coming back from holidays is the feeling of starting something new, being full of energy and inspiration. It is also so nice to meet everyone again in a happy mood, full of positive energy and to share some stories from the summer.

Another reason to like this period, it because it is perfect to try new things, to get started with new projects and take on some new habits. I do that every year; last year I decided to learn Italian, I love that language and yes I did get some inspiration from the book Eat, pray, love..:) . I really liked it even if it unfortunately didn't last for the whole year.. For this year, I'm still thinking of what to do, I mean in addition to this idea to start blogging..

Coming back from holidays, and the feeling of autumn, even if it is still summer here, arriving also reminds me of how nice it was to start school again after the summer breaks when I was a kid; excitement, starting something new, and getting a matching pencil, ruler, new cover paper for the school desk and the books as well as many other small "useful" items in the same design. I remember choosing the paper and the pen as a big happening every year, mine were always connected somehow to ponies.

Ok, this year I didn't get the cover paper with ponies, but a new little pink bag with matching decoration will serve the same purpose :)


I have been thinking of starting a blog since a while but it was always postponed somehow. Now I’ll give it a try, encouraged by a friend who told me that it doesn’t have to be perfect to be published, at least not on the blog. With those wise words in mind, I wrote my first little post about the aim of a pink bag.

I guess I'll learn about blogging little by little and also try to improve the design while discovering the technical features of the blog-spot service. After experimenting a bit, I decided to leave this simple layout for time being and start my blogging while I'm inspired.

Probably I’ll write in English most of the times but please feel free to give your comments and feedback in the language you like, ok preferably in one of those I know..:)